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Information entropy

Boltzmann's entropy of a macrostate
$$S=k_B\ln\Omega$$ all microstates are equally probable
statistical weight of a macrostate, $\Omega$
$$S=-k_B\sum_ip_i\ln{p_i}$$ probability of a microstate, $p_i$
binary chunks: bits
information entropy

Fig.: .

Gibbs's algorithm
$${\rm d}\ln{\Omega}\overset{!}{=}0$$ find the most probable macrostate
Gaussian (random) distribution

Fig.: .

information theory:
find the information content of a message
arbitrary distribution functions


Fig.: .

letter frequencies
surprisal of a particular letter letter combinations: th, qu...

Fig.: .
Fig.: .

data compression
chain of binary decisions
Huffman encoding
Huffman tree
number of binary decisions needed = information entropy of message

Analogy or equivalence?

Fig.: .

Maxwell's daemon
second law

Fig.: .

Szilard's engine
1 bit of information destroyed $$k_BT\ln{2}$$ work extracted

Case study:
S Toyabe, T Sagawa, M Ueda, E Muneyuki, M Sano
Information heat engine: converting information to energy by feedback control
Nature Phys 6 (2010) 988

Fig.: .
Fig.: .

information heat engine
Landauer's principle