- Take a diffractogram of quartz powder.
Take a diffractogram of the 100 (or equivalent) plane of a quartz single crystal.
You can identify which plane that is by comparing the specimen with the
animation on the Webmineral site.
- Lock onto the biggest Bragg peak.
While keeping 2theta fixed, scan the phi-axis, i.e. scan while rotating the
turntable. You need to switch from "locked-coupled scan" to "phi scan" for this.
- What is the effect of (very slightly) tilting the crystal?
- See if you can pick out another crystal plane by orientating the crystal appropriately.
- Do a phi scan for the powder sample. Can you pick out individual crystallites?
- Sketch the crystal plane(s) measured in the single crystal experiment.
Explain why powder diffraction measures all Bragg peaks simultaneously and discuss
possible artifacts in powder diffractograms.